Bohemian Rugs For Your Nursery: A Buyer's Guide

If you're looking to decorate your nursery, you'll find no shortage of options. Many products can help you create the ideal space for your baby, from wall art to rugs and everything in between. Of course, the most important thing is keeping your little one safe and comfortable when it comes down to it. And what's more comforting than a soft rug beneath his feet?

In this post, we'll explore some of the favorite bohemian rugs and explain why adding them can help make your baby's room stand out in a good way!

Kroma Carpets Faux Sheepskin White Cloud Area Rug

The Kroma Carpets Faux Sheepskin White Cloud Area Rug is the perfect rug to add a little softness and warmth to your nursery. Made of faux fur, this area rug will still be comfortable on your feet but won't shed as much as a real sheepskin rug would. It's also machine washable, so it'll stay looking nice even after some accidents or spills. For whichever option you choose, you're guaranteed to have a cozy space for rocking babies off into dreamland!

Kroma Carpets Faux Sheepskin White Star Rug

The Kroma Carpets Faux Sheepskin White Star Rug is a modern rug featuring a geometric pattern in varying shades of white and black. It makes a wonderful addition to any nursery or playroom, as it's made of 100% polyester and can be machine-washed for easy cleaning. The rug is available in three sizes, making it easy to find one that fits your needs. This rug is also available in two colors: white and black.

Kroma Carpets Faux Sheepskin White Moon Rug

This faux sheepskin rug is a great option for any nursery, especially if it's on the larger side. The white color will keep things neutral and easy to match with other decor items that you may have in your bathroom or living room. It's also very soft, which makes it an ideal place for your child to sit and play. It's not quite as thick or plush as some other nursery rugs, but it should still be comfortable enough for them to lie down on (though they might prefer something softer). This style comes in several colors, including brown/cream, blue/white, and green/white.

Auskin Sheepskin Rug Accent Rug

This is it if you're looking for the most luxurious and high-quality rug. The Auskin Sheepskin Rug Accent Rug is made from genuine Australian sheepskin, so it's super soft and comfortable to sit on. 

The size of your nursery will determine which size rug you should buy. For example, if you have a large nursery with lots of space to spare, then a larger rug will look best. If your nursery is smaller or more compact then go for one of the smaller sized rugs instead!

The material used to make these rugs is 100% pure Australian wool, so they're great for babies with sensitive skin and allergens (if you have pets). 

Surya Berkley Shag Rug

This shag rug is the perfect choice for a nursery. Made from polypropylene, it is easy to clean and will look great through many years of use. It comes in a variety of colors that can match any decor style or color scheme, including red, blue, and black. 

Crate&Kids Pastel Shag Rug

This rug is 100% polyester, and it's a great choice for your nursery or any other space needing extra coziness. The Crate&Kids Pastel Shag Rug comes in four different colors. 

It's time to get the nursery decorated and ready for your baby. A rug is a key piece to any nursery, so choosing one that fits all your other decorations is important. We hope this guide has helped you pick out some great options for your rug!